نرم افزارهای مهندسی


Name Version Group
ACX & STX 3.5 Air Cooled, Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger Thermal Design
AFT IMPUL SE 7.0.1106 Waterhammer Modeling in piping systems
AlarmCAD 2018 Fire Alarm System Design Software
AME Tank 9.8.17 Storage Tank Design (3D Graphic, API 650,620, Fab Drawing)
ASPE N E .D& R (B-JAC) 2016 V11.0 Heat E xchanger Thermal And Mechanical Design
ASPE NONE   E ng Suite V11.0 Aspen E ngineering Suite
AUTODE SK NAVISWORKS 2020 Design  Review
AUTODE SK AL GOR Simulation 2012 Finite E lement analysis FE A
AUTOMATION  STUDIO  P6 6.10932 Simulation Software Pakage
AutoSPRINK 2019 Fire Sprinkler Design Software
AVE VA BOCAD 3.2 NE W Plant Design Management System
AVE VA DIAGRAMS 14.1.3 Easy Creation of P&Ids, PFDs and other schematics …
AVE VA PDMS  Full Module 12.1 SP5 Plant Design Management System
AVE VA E NGINEE RING 15.1.7 Manage the evolving multi-discipline engineering data …
AVE VA E verything 3D (E 3D) Stractural Steelwork Design And Interface to PDMS
AVE VA FABTROL 4.0 SP1 Global-leading steel fabrication management software
AVE VA L MI  Module 12.2 L aser Model Interface
AVE VA E L E CTRICAL 12.2 Instrumentation
AVE VA INSTRUME NTATION 12.2 Instrumentation
AVE VA P& ID 12.1 SP3 Inteligent P& ID
AVE VA RE VIE W 12.2 PDMS 3D Model Review
AVE VA MARINE 12.1 SP4 Aveva Maine System (Shipbuilding Process)
AVE VA L ASE R MODL L E R 12.0 L aser Modeller
AVE VA E RM 15.0 Enterprise Resource Management solution family
Bentley AutoPL ANT 3D V8i Piping
Bentley AutoPL ANT Structural V8i Piping
Bentley AutoPL ANT E xplorer V8i Piping
Bentley AutoPL ANT P& ID V8i Piping
Bentley Process & Instrument V8i Piping  –  Process
Bentley AutoPIPE 9.02 Pipe Stress Analysis
BOWTIEXP 9.2 Risk Assessment Software that is based on the bowtie method
CADNaA 4.5 Noise  Calculation
CAE SAR II 2018 Pipe Stress Analysis
CAL CUL UX 7.7 L ighting
Name Version Group
CHE MKIN 4.0 Reactor Model
COMPRE SS 2014 Pressure Vessels Design
COMFAR III (Farsi Support) 3.3 Project   Management
CONVAL 10.4.2 Plant E ngineering Calculation
CSI SAP2000     Include L icGen 20.2.0 Integrated Stractural Analysis and Design
CSI SAFE          Include L icGen 16.2.1 Integrated Design of Slabs, Mats And Footings
CSI E TABS      Include L icGen 17.0.1 Integrated Analysis, Design and Drafting of Building
CYCL ONE 9.1 Manipulating Point Cloud Data Captured By HDS
CL OUDWORX For PDMS 2.1.2 L aser Model Plugins For PDMS
CL OUDWORX For MSTN 4.2.2 L aser Model Plugins For MICROSTATION
CYME 8.0 R01 Power  Station
DE SIGN II 9.31 Process Simulation
DigSIL E NT 2016 E lectrical power systems
DIAL UX 7.0 L ighting
DNV PHAST 8.0 Safety &  Risk Analysis
DNV SE SAM 2017 Complete tool  for  efficient  engineering  of Offshore Structures
DYMOL A 7.4 Dynamin Modeling L aboratory
E L E CDE S Design Suite 8.6.1 E lectrical, Control and Instrumentation Design Software
E PCON Suite 10.0 Process Piping System
E PL AN P8 2.4 E lectrical
E TANK 2000 1.9.14 Storage Tank Design,  API  620,2000,650,653
E TAP PowerStation 19.0.1 E lectrical
FE /PIPE 2018 Finite E lement Analysis For Piping
FINGL OW 2013 Pressure Vessels
FL ARE NE T V11.0 Design Flare
FL ARE SIM 5.2.1 Design Flare
FL OWE L 4.0 Process
FL OWMASTE R 7.9.5 CFD Solution – Process
FL UIDSIM ( Hydrol & Pnuma) 4.0 Simulating pneumatice &  Hydrolic basics
FRNC-5PC 8.1 General Purpose Heater Simulation Program
HE L IX DeltaT6 6.07 Optimise Conveyor System Designs
HTRI   E xchanger Suite 7.3.2 Heat E xchanger,Shell & Tube, Air Cooled, Plate and frame Design
HYSYS V11.0 Process Design (Dynamic & Steady State)
INTOOL S 2016 Instrument & E lectrical
ME CASTACK 5.3 Designing self-supported and guy wire supported Steel Stack
MICRO-PROTOL 33.07 Pressure Vessels And Shell And Tube Design,Cost E stimate, Bom
MT-E XCH,Comp,L ayout,Vess 3.7.1 Pressure Vessels & Heat E xchenger
MOSE S 10.12 Offshore Platform Design and Simulation Software
NE PL AN 5.5 E lectrical
NI CIRCUIT DE SIGN Suite 10.1 National Instrument Software
NOZZL E PRO 2018 Finite E lement Analysis For Nozzles
OFFPIPE 3.0 Pipeline Simulation
Name Version Group
OL GA + MultiFlash Ver 6.1 2018.1 Dynamic one dimensional modified two fluid model for
two-phase hydrocarbon flow in Pipeline network
OL I Analyzer 2012 OL I Corrosion, Score, Stream Analyzer
ORCAFL E X 10.0 Static and Dynamic Analysis pipeline and cable in offshore / marine
ORCAL AY 3.2 Optimise the lay procedures for pipelines and umbilicals
PAL ISADE Decision Tools 7.6 Risk ( Monte Carlo Simulation )
PATHL OSS 5.1 Comprehensive path design tool for radio link
PDS 12.0 Plant Design System
PE L IKAN Support Modeler PDS 12.0 Support Modeler for  PDS
PE TROSIM 6.2 Refinery Simulation
PHA-PRO 8.5 HAZOP Meeting
PIPE NE T. Vision 1.8 Design of piping systems experiencing unsteady or Transient flow
PIPE L INE Studio 4.2.1 Pipeline Simulator for Gas and L iquid Pipeline Scenarios
PIPE L INE TOOL BOX 2017 Pipeline Simulator for Gas and L iquid Pipeline Scenarios
PIPE MIL L 4.0 Aid the Piping E ngineer and Piping Stress E ngineer
PIPE SIM 2018.1 Pipe L ine Networks Design
PL ANTWAVE  For  PDS 3.5.2 General Arrangement Drawing Generation
PL ANTWAVE For PDMS General Arrangement Drawing Generation
PL ANTWAVE  For AutoPlant 2.10 General Arrangement Drawing Generation
PL AXIS 2D 2016 Finite E lement Program for Geotechnical
PL AXIS 3D Foundation 2016 Finite E lement Program for Geotechnical
PL US 2D 9.65 Nesting Software Standard – Cutting Plan
PRE DICT 6.1 Corrosion Prediction Software for Carbon Steel
PRIMAVE RA  Contractor 6.1 Planing and Controlling your Projects
PRIMAVE RA P6 E PPM 16.1 Planing, Managing, and E xecuting Projects
PRIMAVE RA P6 PPM 16.1 Project   Management
PRIMAVE RA  Contract Manage 14.2 Document Management, Job Cost and filed controls sou ..
PRIMAVE RA Risk Analysis 8.7.5 Full Lifecycle Analytics Solution Integrating Cost and …
PROMAX 3.2 Simulation package for design and optimization of gas
processing, refining and chemical facilities.
PRONE ST 2012 Nesting Software with CNC output
PROPL AN 3.6 Simulates plant operations
PROTOCOL TE ST HARNE SS 3.17 Simulates a typical Master or Slave device
PROTRE AT 5.0 Removal of H2S,CO2, and mercaptans from Gas Steam…
PL S-CADD 14.2 Power Line Systems – Computer Aided Design And Drafting
PSCAD 4.5.2 Power Systems Computer Aided Design
PSSE 31.0 Power System Simulator
PYROSIM 2016.1 Fire Dynamics And Smoke Control
PVE L ITE 2019 Pressure Vessels
QUE $TOR 2017 Oil And Gas Projects Cost E stimate
RE FORM-3PC 7.0 Steam Hydrocarbon Reforming Simulation Program
SACS V8i 5.7 Offshore
SIL CORE 4.2 Offshore
SMART 3D (3D, Marine, Mat…) 2016 Plant Design System
Name Version Group
SMARTPL ANT  3D 2014 Plant Design System
SMARTPL ANT E XPL ORE R 2009 client/server solution providing viewing and reporting access
to plant data in a Web environment
SMARTPL ANT E L E TRICAL 2015 E lectrical
SMARTPL ANT  Foundation 2014 Life cycle engineering information management software solution
SMARTPL ANT  Instrumentation 2016 Instrumentation
SMARTPL ANT P& ID 2014 Intelligent P& ID
SMARTPL ANT  Review 2017 Review 3D Model
SMARTPL ANT SPOOL GE N 2014 High productivity isometric drawing system that creates spool sheets and isometric drawings from Piping Data Files.
SMARTSKE TCH 2014 R1 SmartSketch is a versatile and cost effective 2D precision
engineering and drafting package
SIMSCI.PRO/II 10.1 Process  Design
SIMSCI.PIPE PHASE 9.7 Multiphase Flow In Networks
SIMSCI.HE XTRAN 9.4 Industry Proven Process Heat Transfer Simulation
SIMSCI.INPL ANT 4.4 Multiphase Fluid Flow Simulator for Plant Piping Networks
SIMSCI.DATACON 3.2 Plant Data Reconciliation and Gross E rror Detection
SIMSCI.DYNSIM 5.2 Dynamic Simulation Suite
SIMSCI.ROME O 6.2 Acronym for rigorous online modeling with equation …
SIMSCI.VISUAL FL ARE 5.6 Design and Modeling of Safety System and Pressure Relief …
SOCRATE S 10.0.17 Corrosion Resistant Alloy Material Selection for Oil and Gas
SOUNDPL AN 8.0 Noise Calculation
SOUNDPL AN E SSE NTIAL 3.0 Noise Calculation
SURFE R 8.0 Powerful, flexible, and easy-to-use contouring and 3D surface
TANK  2017 7.0 Storage Tanks
THE RMOFL OW 23.0 ThermoFlow
UNISIM R 460.1 Process
VMGSim 7.0 VMGSim is based squarely on fundamental thermodynamic …
WASP 2016 Vertical and horizontal extrapolation of wind climate…
WINDPRO 3.2 Vertical and horizontal extrapolation of wind climate…
XSTE E L 2018 Civil
Z_ SOIL  2D,3D 6.27 Soil
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